Email Address
City and postal code
Phone number
Is your home a: HouseApartmentCondoTownhouse
Have you applied to be a Foster before? if so, for what rescue
Do all member of your household agree to fostering?
Please list all people who live in your home as well as their ages
Would you allow a Representative of APM rescue to visit your residence (by appointment)
Do any members of your household have animal allergies?
Will you be able to transport the animal to the Veterinarian, off-site events, etc?
Do you feel you could foster more than one animal at a time?
Do you have any foster requirements (gender, temperment, age, etc)? Please especify
Do you have fostering experience? if yes, please describe
In a 24 hour period, how long would the foster animal be kept alone?
Where will the foster animal be kept when you are not home?
Where will the foster animal be kept when you are home?
Where will the foster animal be kept at night?
Do you have a fenced yard? (if yes, please describe)
List all pets in your household (Your pets must be current on vaccines, Name, Breed, Age, Gender, Spayed/Neutered)
Have you ever had any experience with a dog biting? How did you react?
Have you ever surrendered any of your own pets to a Humane Society or Rescue? If yes, please provide details
Veterinarians Name and Phone Number
PERSONAL REFERENCES: Please list 3 personal references (Name, Relationship, Years Known, Phone Number)
I have answered all the questions truthfully and understand that if any intentionally false statements have been given, this application will be void. I understand that All Paws Matter Animal Rescue has the right to approve or deny this application based on its policies. I give permission for APM personnel to contact my Veterinarian to confirm health/vaccination records. I understand all the risks involved with fostering an animal and release APM from any liability. I give permission for APM to periodically visit the foster animal in my home. I understand that submitting this application does not guarantee approval. I ALSO KNOW THAT UPON APPROVAL, I MUST SURRENDER ANY ANIMAL APM PLACES IN MY CARE BACK TO ALL PAWS MATTER ANIMAL RESCUE UPON REQUEST BY THEIR ASSOCIATES. Please e-sign (type your name) below